Scientists Develop Human Embryo in A Lab Without Sperm Or Egg

2024-04-28 04:21:55875
Scientists Develop Human Embryo in A Lab Without Sperm Or Egg
  • September 11, 2023
  • 2:30 PM CDT
  • Lisa Marie Platske

We couldn’t have imagined an embryo developed without using sperm or egg to create it. Scientists were able to create a human embryo without using any of the ingredients required for it. The embryo successfully developed vital embryonic features such as egg yolk and placenta outside a human womb.

An Embryo Without Sperm or Egg

The Israeli and Palestinian researchers involved in the study shed light on, what they called, poorly understood human developmental stages. professor Jacob Hanna, who led the research team, said the embryo went through all the phases via which a normal embryo would go. 

Scientists Develop Human Embryo in A Lab Without Sperm Or Egg

📣 Our fun journey continues – latest lab preprint is now out in @Nature
Check out in great detail how we derive Complete and Structured human day 14 post-implantation embryo models (SEMs) solely from unmodified HENSM naïve ESCs@Beroldak @EmilieWildschu1 @vlad_bndk @noashefi…

— Jacob (يعقوب) Hanna (@jacob_hanna) September 6, 2023

Miscarriages And Diseases

As per the Mayo Clinic, most of the miscarriages take place in the first 11 weeks of human development. By understanding what goes on in the first month of human development, scientists could prevent diseases and miscarriages and hence prevent lives.

Research Reference: “Complete human day 14 post-implantation embryo models from naïve ES cells”, published in the Nature journal.





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