Driver Detained For Crashing Vehicle At White House Complex

2024-06-03 04:21:157
Driver Detained For Crashing Vehicle At White House Complex
  • January 9, 2024
  • 2:30 PM CST
  • Jay M

The US Secret Service has said they are investigating an incident involving a car crash at the gate of the White House complex.

A vehicle crashed into an exterior gate on the White House complex on Monday at around 6pm ET, and the driver was detained.

Driver Detained For Crashing Vehicle At White House Complex

The investigators said the crash was not a high-priority incident, but they are investigating the motive of the driver.

Driver’s Identity Not Disclosed

The US Secret Service has yet to disclose the identity of the driver as they think the incident carries little significance.

Reuters approached the White House for comment, but they have not received any information regarding the incident.

It is “premature to speculate as to whether this was an intentional act,” the secret police told the USA Today.

No Particular Interest

They also said, “there was no protective interest associated with this event”, the Guardian reported.

This is not the first car crash that has happened near the premises of the White House.

Just last month, a vehicle slammed into President Biden’s motorcade while he was exiting his campaign headquarters in Delaware.





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