Russian Passenger Plane Mistakenly Lands on Frozen River

2024-06-02 18:14:45746
Russian Passenger Plane Mistakenly Lands on Frozen River
  • December 28, 2023
  • 10:00 AM CST
  • Zai Apolonio

A Russian passenger plane landed on a frozen river by mistake.

The BBC’s news report said that 34 passengers were on board, and thankfully, no one was hurt while landing.

Russian Passenger Plane Mistakenly Lands on Frozen River

The Polar Airlines Soviet-era Antonov An-24 plane landed on the frozen Kolyma River, not very far from land.

34 Passengers on Board

Flight PI217 left the capital of Sakha republic, Yakutsk, early Thursday and was bound for Zyryanka, the BBC report claimed.

The temperature in the region where it landed dip to around -40C this time of the year.

A spokesperson for the Eastern Siberian transport prosecutor said the incident happened due to an error of the “crew in piloting the aircraft,”

Fortunately, all 34 people on board landed safely on the frozen river without reporting any casualties.





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