Biden Says Israel Didn’t Attack Hospital, Hamas Did

2024-06-03 18:45:2799
Biden Says Israel Didn’t Attack Hospital, Hamas Did
  • October 18, 2023
  • 2:30 PM CDT
  • Paul Cater

Upon arriving in Israel, US President Joe Biden said he was sure Hamas carried out the brutal attack on Gaza hospital.

The President assured the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu of American support amid concerns that the latter would invade Gaza.

Biden Says Israel Didn’t Attack Hospital, Hamas Did

Hospital Attack

At least 500 people were murdered after an explosive missile struck Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza two days ago.

The United Nations said the hospital sheltered mostly children and elderly who wanted to take refuge in the hospital.

Even Biden condemned the brutal attack, but he said Israel did not carry out the attack.

World Leaders Condmend Brutal Attack

World leaders from across the globe condemned the violent attack on Gaza hospital, but deep divisions persisted.

A resolution put forward by Russia for an immediate cease-fire fell on deaf ears when it was vetoed.





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