Italy is Making LGBT Parenting A Crime

2024-06-01 08:17:099616
Italy is Making LGBT Parenting A Crime
  • September 23, 2023
  • 11:30 AM CDT
  • Dan Bennett

Italy LGBT parents are concerned as the government is seeking to implement new rules. The new legislation will make it harder for LGBT parents to have children through surrogacy. The new law will force LGBT parents to either leave Italy or go to prison. 

Couples Could Face £872,000 Fine

If the bill becomes a law, gay couples will face a £872,000 fine in case of violation. The practice of surrogacy is illegal across most of Europe due to which the homosexual couples travel abroad where it is legal. Surrogacy is the process in which a woman carries a child for another couple cia vitro fertilization.

Italy is Making LGBT Parenting A Crime

Why Italy is Against LGBT Parenting?

Italy’s far right government led by Giorgia Meloni is strictly against LGBT parenting because it goes against religion and family values.

The Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has repeatedly argued that kids can only be raised by heterosexual couples, not otherwise. The Deputy Prime Minister once compared women involved in surrogacy to a cash dispenser.





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