Why French Ambassador And Troops Are Leaving Niger?

2024-06-03 02:53:505118
Why French Ambassador And Troops Are Leaving Niger?
  • September 26, 2023
  • 10:00 AM CDT
  • Parul Agrawal

The French government finally decided to leave Niger after ordering the diplomats to return back to the country. The Niger coup leaders in Niger hailed the decision as a victory for their country. Here, we briefly explain why France is leaving Niger, a landlocked country shattered by extremist violence.

Coup Leaders Asked France To Leave

There has been growing anti-French sentiment in niger but it was politicized when the new coup leaders took power. The point is not that the previous regimes didn’t hate France, but the coup leaders used it with far more effectiveness than them. When the new junta, led by Abdourahamane Tchiani, took power, they urged the French diplomats and the troops to leave, amid strong support from the people.

Why French Ambassador And Troops Are Leaving Niger?

Niger Banned French Aircraft

French President Macron;s decision came hours after the new junta announced they wouldn’t allow French aircraft to fly inside the country. The next few days will be crucial to see if and when the French diplomatic team will leave Niger, who are still in the country.





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