Man Arrested For Touching Spanish Reporter Live

2024-04-29 20:01:5245914
Man Arrested For Touching Spanish Reporter Live
  • September 14, 2023
  • 10:00 AM CDT
  • Paul Cater

A man was arrested by the Spanish authorities for touching a female reporter who was broadcasting live.

The reporter named Isa Balado was broadcasting live on a Madrid robbery when the passerby touched her bottom and pretended like nothing happened.

Man Arrested For Touching Spanish Reporter Live

Man Arrested For Touching Journalist

The police immediately swung into action and arrested the culprit when he went viral live. The man came from behind, changed his route a little and touched Balado’s bottom.

The reporter continued her reporting, but the cameraman interrupted her and moved the shot on the man. The assailant shamelessly stood there smiling and laughing at the reporter. 

Man Denied Touching Her

When confronted, the man denied touching the journalist and seemed like it didn’t matter to him. The man then tickled Balado’s head as he walked away.

The owner of the news channel along with Spain’s Labour Minister also expressed solidarity with the journalist.





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