Prince Harry Wins Partial Victory in Phone Hacking Claim

2024-06-02 16:53:5097
Prince Harry Wins Partial Victory in Phone Hacking Claim
  • December 15, 2023
  • 10:00 AM CST
  • Lukas Tassanyi

Prince Harry won a partial victory against a British newspaper who allegedly hacked into his phone.

Harry was awarded $179,600 in damages after the High Court in London ruled that he was a victim of hacking by journalists.

Prince Harry Wins Partial Victory in Phone Hacking Claim

Media reports said the evidence submitted by Harry against the Mirror Group Newspapers contained material that was unlawfully gathered.

Mirror Knowingly Concealed Information

A London High Court judge agreed that the British newspaper knowingly collected and concealed information without Harry’s consent.

He said Mirror should have stopped the unlawful act but didn’t do so intentionally.

It said the magazine “turned a blind eye to what was going on, and positively concealed it”. 

Harry Awarded Damages

The judge awarded Harry $179,600 as compensation, recognizing the distress caused.

Harry’s lawyer said the decision was a victory for truth and accountability.

Several other claimants, including Harry, are taking another legal action against Daily Mail and The Mail on Sunday, accusing them of breaching their privacy. 





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