US Senator Rand Paul Saves Choking Colleague During Lunch

2024-06-01 07:28:0636
US Senator Rand Paul Saves Choking Colleague During Lunch
  • December 1, 2023
  • 11:30 AM CST
  • Arpan Neupane

In a dramatic lunchtime incident, US Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky leaped into action to perform the Heimlich maneuver on his choking colleague, Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa.

Mr. Paul saved Mrs. Ernst’s life by doing the Heimlich maneuver when she held lunch for her republican colleagues.

US Senator Rand Paul Saves Choking Colleague During Lunch

Colleagues Praised Mr Paul

Following the ordeal, Senator Ernst took to social media, expressing gratitude to Dr Rand Paul while humorously referencing the “woke policies Dems are forcing down our throats.”

Colleagues praised Paul, an eye doctor, for his swift response, with even Senator Lindsey Graham offering a surprising “God bless Rand Paul” comment.

Not The First Time

Notably, this isn’t the first time Heimlich heroics have unfolded among lawmakers.

In 2018, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia performed the Heimlich maneuver on Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, but he cracked his ribs during the process.

The Heimlich technique has saved 100,000 lives in the US alone since its introduction in 1974.





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